Explanation of Grades

S (Satisfactory), and U (Unsatisfactory) grades are reserved for graduate theses, student teaching or other field experience that is not readily evaluated by the normal letter grades and basic skills courses. 

SD (Satisfactory with Distinction) is reserved for graduate theses. S, SD and U grades may be given only for courses so designated.

P (Pass) and F (Fail) grades are given for undergraduate courses taken on a pass-fail basis.  They may not be used for graduate coursework.

W (Withdrawal) grades may be submitted only when a student has officially withdrawn from a course.

I (Incomplete) grades may be submitted only when the department chair or program coordinator has been properly notified.  An instructor may submit a grade of I (Incomplete) only when circumstances leading to a student’s failure to complete course requirements are known to be beyond the student’s control (e.g., serious illness or unavailability of material). The student must complete course requirements and the instructor must submit a grade change by the 10th week of the following spring or fall semester or the grade automatically converts to an E (Failure). In the event that the instructor who granted the I grade is unable to evaluate whether the student has fulfilled the course requirements during the stipulated time period, the chair or program coordinator takes responsibility for evaluating the student’s work and changing the grade.

IP (In Progress) grades are reserved for graduate students who have not completed their thesis or project requirement. When work is completed, the instructor submits a grade change, replacing the IP with a final grade. If an instructor does not submit a final grade by the end of the second additional semester, the "IP" grade will automatically be recorded as an "E" or "U" unless an incomplete extension (722) is filed.  A grade of N (Grade Delayed) may not be used for a thesis or project course.

N (Grade Delayed) grades may be submitted in the case of research work or internship that carries over from one semester to another and when it is necessary to delay grading to a subsequent semester.  N grades may be submitted only with the permission of the department chair or program coordinator.  A grade of N (Grade Delayed) may not be used for a graduate thesis or project course.  When the work is completed, the instructor submits a grade change, replacing the N with a final grade.

NR (Not Required) grades must be submitted for any Thesis/Project Continuation (721) or Thesis/Project Extended (722) course.