Graduate Assistantships
Graduate assistantships are available through various academic departments and administrative offices on campus. Duties of graduate assistants consist of nonteaching functions such as grading papers, monitoring exams, assisting in administrative assignments, or participating in research projects.
Assignments range from 10 to 20 hours per week and provide stipends from $2,500 to $6,000 per academic year. A graduate assistant may receive a tuition award and a stipend. A tuition scholarship, if awarded, is for a maximum of 9 graduate credits each fall/spring semester. Stipends and/or tuition awards do not cover college fees, which are the responsibility of the student.
Graduate students appointed to an assistantship must be in good academic standing in a degree program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and maintain registration (nine credit hours) concurrent with the appointment.
A list of available assistantships can be found through the Human Resources website. Graduate assistants must complete a Tuition Scholarship Award Application for each semester funding is sought.