Repeating Graduate Courses

A student may repeat a given graduate course once for which a B-, C+, C, C–, D+, D, E, EV, F, or U grade was earned. The course must be repeated in the same grading mode as the first attempt and have the same prefix, number, and credit. The repeated course must be taken at Buffalo State. When a course is repeated, only the higher grade earned and associated credit hours with count toward the GPA.

Repeating Courses Over Six Years

All coursework and degree requirements must be completed within a six-year period beginning with a student's matriculation term into his or her graduate program.

Courses completed more than six years preceding a student's graduation, regardless of grade earned, cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements unless a waiver is approved by the adviser, department chair, and academic dean.  Without a waiver, such courses must be repeated to be applied to the degree requirements, and only the grade and credit hours earned on the last attempt will apply to the GPA and degree or certificate program requirements.

All grades remain on the permanent record. A passing grade will not replace a U grade, since the U is not computed in the GPA. Courses repeated outside of the parameters listed above will not be used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA, and the credit hours will not be applied to degree or certificate program requirements.

Courses with letter grades A through C cannot be repeated. Illegally repeated courses are not used to calculate the cumulative GPA.

Policy regarding practicum courses may differ. Contact the academic department.

Repeating courses affects financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid Office for the current policy.

Once a student has completed a master’s degree or certificate of advanced study, a final average for that degree or certificate is computed. Courses for that degree or certificate may not be repeated, and that final average is not affected by any subsequent coursework completed at Buffalo State.