Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Major Programs at a Glance

Major Program Degree HEGIS Code Buffalo St. code Department
Africana StudiesB.A.2211BA-AS AFSDean's Office, Arts and Sciences
AnthropologyB.A.2202BA-AS ANTAnthropology
Applied PsychologyB.A.2001BA-AS PYAPsychology
Applied Psychology, B.A and Applied Behavior Analysis, M.S. Combined PathwayB.A. and M.S.PYA and ABAPsychology and Exceptional Education
Art and DesignB.A.1002BA-AS ARDArt and Design
Art and DesignB.F.A.1009BFA-AS AADArt and Design
Art Education (PK-12)B.F.A.0831BFA-AS AEDArt and Design
Art HistoryB.A.1003BA-AS ARHArt and Design
Arts and LettersB.A.4901BA-AS ALTDean's Office, Arts and Sciences
BiologyB.A.0401BA-AS BIOBiology
BiologyB.S.0401BS-AS BILBiology
Business AdministrationB.S.0506BS-SP BSABusiness
Business Administration and Business Management Combined pathway (B.S. and M.S.)B.S. and M.S.BUSBusiness
Business and Marketing EducationB.S.0838.01BS-ED BMECareer, Technical and Science Education
Career and Technical Education1B.S.0839.03BS-ED CTECareer, Technical and Science Education
ChemistryB.S.1905BS-AS CHEChemistry
Childhood Education (Grades 1-6)B.S.0802BS-ED CEDElementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership
Childhood Education and English Extension (Grades 1-6 and English 7-9)B.S.0802BS-ED CENElementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership
Childhood Education and Mathematics Extension (Grades 1-6 and Mathematics 7-9)B.S.0802BS-ED CMTElementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership
Childhood Education and Social Studies Extension (Grades 1-6 and Social Studies 7-9)B.S.0802BS-ED CSSElementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership
Communication StudiesB.A.0699BA-AS COMCommunication
Computer Information Systems1B.S.0702BS-SP CISComputer Information Systems
Criminal JusticeB.S.2105BS-SP CRJCriminal Justice
Criminal Justice Combined Pathway (B.S. and M.S.)B.S. and M.S.2105BS-SP CRJ and MS-SP CRJCriminal Justice
DieteticsB.S.1306BS-SP DEPHealth, Nutrition and Dietetics
Dietetics Combined Pathway B.S. and M.S.)B.S. and M.S.1306BS-SP DIE and MS-SP DIEHealth, Nutrition and Dietetics
Early Childhood and Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 6, Combined Program)B.S.0522BS-ED ECCElementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership
Early Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 2)B.S.0802BS-ED ECEElementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership
Earth SciencesB.S.1917BS-AS EASGeosciences
EconomicsB.A.2204BA-AS ECOEconomics and Finance
EconomicsB.S.2204BS-AS ECOEconomics and Finance
Electrical Engineering Technology, Electronics 1B.S.0925BS-SP ETEEngineering Technology
Electrical Engineering Technology, Smart Grid 1B.S.0925BS-SP ETSEngineering Technology
EnglishB.A.1501BA-AS ENG English
English Education (7-12)B.S.1501.01BS-AS ENSEnglish
English Literature Combined Pathway (B.A. and M.A.)B.A. and M.A.1501BA-AS ENG and MA-AS ENGEnglish
Environmental GeographyB.S.2206BS-AS EVGGeosciences
Family and Consumer Sciences EducationB.S.1301.1BS-ED FCSCareer, Technical and Science Education
Fashion and Textile TechnologyB.S.1303BS-SP FTTFashion and Textile Technology
Forensic ChemistryB.S.1999.20BS-AS FRCChemistry
GeographyB.A.2206BA-AS GEGGeosciences
GeologyB.S.1914BS-AS GELGeosciences
Health and WellnessB.S.0837BS-SP HEWHealth, Nutrition and Dietetics
HistoryB.A.2205BA-AS HISHistory and Social Studies Education
Hospitality Administration B.S.1307BS-SP HTRHospitality and Tourism
Individualized Studies1B.S.4901BS-UC INSDeans' Offices
Industrial Technology1B.S.0925BS-SP TECEngineering Technology
Interior DesignB.F.A.1009BFA-AS INTArt and Design
International RelationsB.A.2207BA-AS INRPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
JournalismB.A.0602BA-AS JBSCommunication
MathematicsB.A.1701BA-AS MATMathematics
Mathematics - AppliedB.S.1703BS-AS AMTMathematics
Mathematics Education (7-12)B.S.1701.01BS-AS MTSMathematics
Mathematics Education (7-12, 5-6 Extension)B.S.1701.01BS-AS MTXMathematics
Mechanical Engineering Technology1B.S.0925BS-SP METEngineering Technology
Media ProductionB.A.0603BA-AS MDPCommunication
MusicB.A.1005BA-AS MUSMusic
Music Education (Pre-K-12)B.Mus.1005MUSB-AS MUEMusic
Nutrition and DieteticsB.S.1306BS-SP DIEHealth, Nutrition and Dietetics
PhilosophyB.A.1509BA-AS PHIPhilosophy
PhysicsB.A.1902BS-AS PHYPhysics
PhysicsB.S.1902BS-AS PHYPhysics
Political ScienceB.A.2207BA-AS PSCPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
Political Science/Law 3+3 Combined Pathway B.A./J.D.2207BA-AS PSC / JD-UB LAWPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
Psychological ScienceB.S.2001BS-AS PYSPsychology
Public Relations and AdvertisingB.A.0699BA-AS PRACommunication
Social Studies Education (7-12)B.S.2201.01BS-AS SSSHistory and Social Studies Education
Social Studies Education (7-12, 5-6 Extension)B.S.2201.01BS-AS SSXHistory and Social Studies Education
Social Work1B.S.2104BS-SP SWKSocial Work
SociologyB.A.2208BA-AS SOCSociology
SpanishB.A.1105BA-AS SPNModern and Classical Languages
Special Education and Childhood EducationB.S.0808BSED-ED EXEExceptional Education
Speech-Language PathologyB.S.1220BS-SP SLPSpeech-Language Pathology
Technology Education B.S.0839.01BS-ED TEDCareer, Technical and Science Education
Television and Film ArtsB.A.0603BA-AS TFADean's Office, Arts and Sciences
TheaterB.A.1506BA-AS THATheater
Urban and Regional Planning1B.S.2214BS-AS UPRPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
WritingB.A.10605BA-AS WRTEnglish

Evening study available.


Undergraduate Minor Programs at a Glance

Minor Program Code Department
Africana StudiesAFSDean's Office, Arts and Sciences
Art HistoryARHArt and Design
Art TherapyATHArt and Design
Business EconomicsBECEconomics and Finance
Computer Information Systems1CISComputer Information Systems
Creative StudiesCRSCreativity and Change Leadership
Criminal Justice1CRJCriminal Justice
Design (Ceramic, Fiber, Furniture, Jewelry)DESArt and Design
Digital Music ProductionDMPMusic
Diverse LiteraturesDVLEnglish
Drafting Technologies for Interior DesignDTDArt and Design
DrawingDRWArt and Design
Economic Policy AnalysisEPAEconomics and Finance
Energy SystemsENYEngineering Technology
English EducationENEEnglish
Environment and SocietyEVSSociology
Environmental ScienceENVGeosciences
Exercise ScienceESMHealth and Wellness
FashionFAHFashion and Textile Technology
Fashion DesignFASFashion and Textile Technology
Film StudiesFLMEnglish
Forensic AnthropologyFANAnthropology
HistoryHISHistory and Social Studies Education
Hospitality AdministrationHTRHospitality and Tourism
Human BiologyHMBBiology
Indigenous StudiesINGAnthropology
Intelligence AnalysisINACriminal Justice
Interior Design StudiesIDSArt and Design
International EconomicsIECEconomics and Finance
International RelationsIREPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
LeadershipLDRCreativity and Change Leadership
Legal StudiesLGLPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
Literary StudiesLSMEnglish
Meteorology and ClimatologyMTCGeosciences
PaintingPTGArt and Design
Photography and Documentary StudiesPDSArt and Design
Political SciencePSCPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
Public Administration and Nonprofit ManagementPUBPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
SculptureSCLArt and Design
Social JusticeSOWSocial Work
SpanishSPAModern and Classical Languages
Television Film ArtsTFATelevision Film Arts
Urban and Regional PlanningPLAPolitical Science, Public Administraion and Planning
Urban Civic EducationUCESocial and Psychological Foundations of Education
Women and Gender StudiesWGSDean's Office, Arts and Sciences

Evening study available.


Undergraduate Certificate programs are not baccalaureate degree-granting programs.  All coursework required for completion of the undergraduate certificate program are applicable to a currently registered degree program. 

Major Program Degree HEGIS Code Buffalo St. code Department
Child Advocacy StudiesUndergraduate Certificate5620UGCT-AS CASPsychology
Digital Design and FabricationUndergraduate Certificate1009UGCT-AS DDFArt and Design
Environmental Science and SocietyUndergraduate Certificate0420UGCT-AS EVIEnvironmental Science and Society Interdisciplinary Unit
Exercise ScienceUndergraduate CertificateUGCT-SP EXRHealth, Nutrition and Dietetics
Fiber ArtsUndergraduate Certificate1009UGCT-AS FIAArt and Design
Foundations in Theatrical DirectingUndergraduate Certificate1007UGCT-AS TDFTheater
Geographic Information SystemsUndergraduate Certificate2206UGCT -AS GISGeosciences
Health Promotion SciencesUndergraduate Certificate0837UGCT-SP HPSHealth, Nutrition and Dietetics
Jewelry ArtsUndergraduate Certificate1009UGCT-AS MJDArt and Design
Sports CommunicationUndergraduate Certificate0601UGCT-AS SCOCommunication
Statistics In InsuranceUndergraduate Certificate1702UGCT-AS STIMathematics
Technical WritingUndergraduate Certificate1501UGCT-AS TEWEnglish
World Languages AdvantageUndergraduate Certificate1101UGCT-AS WLAModern and Classical Languages

Post Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Programs at a Glance

A post-baccalaureate program—or post-bacc—is a program completed after graduation from college. Students can enroll in a post-baccalaureate program to complete a second undergraduate degree, to complete prerequisite courses for admission into graduate programs, or to attain an initial teaching certificate. Most post-baccalaureate programs take one to two years to complete. 

Major Program Degree HEGIS Code Buffalo St. code Department
Art EducationPTCP0831UG-PBC-AS AEDArt and Design
Business and Marketing EducationPTCP0838UG-PBC-ED BMECareer, Technical and Science Education
English Education (7-12)PTCP1501.01UG-PBC-AS ENSEnglish
Mathematics Education (7-12)PTCP1701.01UG-PBC-AS MTSMathematics
Mathematics Education (7-12; 5-6 extension)PTCP1701.01UG-PBC-AS MTXMathematics
Social Studies Education (7-12)PTCP2201.01UG-PBC-AS SSSHistory and Social Studies Education
Social Studies Education (7-12; 5-6 extension)PTCP2201.1UG-PBC-AS SSXHistory and Social Studies Education
Technology EducationPTCP0839.01UG-PBC-ED TEDCareer, Technical and Science Education

Microcredentials are a cluster of courses that verify, validate, and attest that specific skills and/or competencies have been achieved and are endorsed.  SUNY Buffalo State micro-credentials are local and may or may not be transferable to other campuses.




Chemical Analysis of Medicinal Plants MCCA Chemistry
Communication Strategies for Individuals who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing or who have a Disability MCCD Speech-Language Pathology
Geospatial Techniques MCGT Geosciences
Interior Design-Fundamental Theory & History MCID Art and Design
Medicinal Plant Science MCMP Chemistry
Spanish for Mental Health Professions   Psychology